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scritto da Bettina Nagel il
no2015-05-112156{"titolo":"Our house has its perfume, its rooms theirs!","testo":"

Our house has its perfume, its rooms theirs!






As usual…. to see better “click” on the photos!




I put this article under the session “lifestyle” because for me it’s really a matter of lifestyle. I can't imagine my house without perfume and I'm not talking about scent that remains in the air when I give perfume to myself.








Let me explain what I exactly mean: incenses, candles, catalytic lamps, “Shanghai” or spray used in the right way give to your home a pleasant smell in any room. There are fragrances for any single room!


Welcome – the entrance:
It’s maybe the most underestimated room in the whole house. I'm right going to write an article about it! This space is the first good impression for your guests and it gives you a hug to welcome you at home! The fragrances have not only a positive reaction to our mood but they also let understand our good style and freshness.


The perfect way to perfume the entrance is using those sticks called “Shanghai”: they spread slowly continue scent thanks to an oil mix absorbed from thin wood sticks. The rule is: the more sticks you have the more intense is the smell; less is then for little rooms. As fragrance for your entrance I suggest the fresh aromas of lemon or bergamot that are neutral and they won't create a horrible mix with kitchen smells.


Another way to perfume is the “Berger Lamp”. This lamp has a head made of ceramic that has to get very hot to let the aromas spread out in the ambience. It’s a little bit more difficult because you have to remember to power on it before guests coming.








There is also a “do-it-yourself” solution: you can create mix of perfumes using herbs, flowers or woods. You can leave a little bag full of lavender or cedar chips, leaves or orange skins near the entrance door and when you enter you will be welcomed by their aromas. This idea is perfect for people who don’t like strong perfumes.










The living room
The area of our wellness, the heart of our house! Here it is the same as for the other rooms: before using any perfume, change air because if the aromas mix with old air it won’t work at all.
Just to give a quick touch of freshness you can use a proper spray. You have only to walk around and spread the fragrance through the spray moving your arm. Be careful with wood furniture or with delicate surfaces because they can be damaged.


To have a scent that remains longer use burning essential oils. It may seem a little bit old idea but it works very well and you can use your personal mix of perfumes.
I imagine you know that fragrances are really an aromatherapy. For example vetiver has a root that relaxes and gives a sensual touch; sage can make you happy, and so on…It’s very easy and quick: put some drops of essential oil in a little bowl where you have already put some warm water. You can also use electrical items that can spread out a mix of perfumes.








And don’t forget the scented candles! They are wonderful in wintertime! They produce a perfume through burning wax. They can often have a very strong fragrances, that’s why you don’t have to let them burn the whole evening but only the time enough to get a sort of little lake on their whole surface. This will let the candle burn properly and completely the next time you will light it. To create your personal scent with candles you can use more than one and chose different aromas to burn all together. For example wood and incense or lemon with spices like anise. Candles can produce perfume even when they aren’t burning.








The Bedroom
A very delicate room regarding perfumes. We spend many hours in our bedroom at night and it’s very difficult to realize when the air is “too heavy”. This is why you don’t have to choose a permanent way of perfuming. People who want a scent because it can help to sleep well too, can use essential oils on a stone or a tissue and put it near their bed. Orange can make our dreams better, lavender relaxes our nerves and ylang-ylang has aphrodisiac power. In France or England there is the habit of using spray for pillows and fragrances for wardrobes. When you open them a nice perfume will come out!








I have another habit: any morning when I make my bed I use a spray for my pillow and blanket (proper spray for fabrics of course). In the evening when I go to bed I’m welcomed by a soft and pleasant scent! My husband is used doing the same and when he makes our bed he can’t help spraying as well!


The bathroom
This is our SPA at home and it’s always very warm. This is right why it’s a perfect place for fragrances. The best solution here is the “Shanghai” or the spray with aromas light sea, air and naturals elements. Very soft: sea salt mixes with essential oils in little bowl. Salt can keep scents very well thanks to its porous structure.








The way to perfume our rooms are improving both regarding the kind of aromas at our disposition and the way of spreading them. The only advice I’d like to give you is something you should always remember: don’t mix too much!
Don’t use too strong perfumes to cover the smells coming from the kitchen! In this case it’s better to use perfumes that are already related to kitchen, like lemon, orange, apple, etc.


In your living room and in your entrance make sure you aren’t welcomed by a too strong fragrance. The one who enters has to feel a pleasant smell, but not something too heavy.
In summer use fresh smells but not too banal; for example vetiver, black pepper, orange flowers (more used than orange itself). In winter you can use spiced smells, wood or incense.


In your bedroom you can try with something relaxing like peppermint, lemon or sage. Another possibility is to follow sensuality: I mean vanilla, patchouli, sandalwood oil. Try but don’t exaggerate because these perfumes can be too strong and in this case they won’t make you sleep well.








Perfumes are my passion and I don’t care if they come from a room, a person, a fabric or other. They have a sort of power on us whenever they come from. It’s the first thing that reaches you when you meet somebody. Before looking at you, anybody realize the smell you have, even before seeing if your are nice, well-dressed, elegant or your house is cozy or fashion. Perfumes represent yourself and how do you feel in this moment of your life, in this special situation, if you feel good or not. Don’t underestimate this aspect! Never!!!

","abstract":"I put this article under the session “lifestyle” because for me it’s really a matter of lifestyle. I can't imagine my house without perfume and I'm not talking about scent that remains in the air when I give perfume to myself."}
2016-06-28 09:56:50-lifestyle30

Our house has its perfume, its rooms theirs!



As usual…. to see better “click” on the photos!


I put this article under the session “lifestyle” because for me it’s really a matter of lifestyle. I can't imagine my house without perfume and I'm not talking about scent that remains in the air when I give perfume to myself.



Let me explain what I exactly mean: incenses, candles, catalytic lamps, “Shanghai” or spray used in the right way give to your home a pleasant smell in any room. There are fragrances for any single room!

Welcome – the entrance:
It’s maybe the most underestimated room in the whole house. I'm right going to write an article about it! This space is the first good impression for your guests and it gives you a hug to welcome you at home! The fragrances have not only a positive reaction to our mood but they also let understand our good style and freshness.

The perfect way to perfume the entrance is using those sticks called “Shanghai”: they spread slowly continue scent thanks to an oil mix absorbed from thin wood sticks. The rule is: the more sticks you have the more intense is the smell; less is then for little rooms. As fragrance for your entrance I suggest the fresh aromas of lemon or bergamot that are neutral and they won't create a horrible mix with kitchen smells.

Another way to perfume is the “Berger Lamp”. This lamp has a head made of ceramic that has to get very hot to let the aromas spread out in the ambience. It’s a little bit more difficult because you have to remember to power on it before guests coming.



There is also a “do-it-yourself” solution: you can create mix of perfumes using herbs, flowers or woods. You can leave a little bag full of lavender or cedar chips, leaves or orange skins near the entrance door and when you enter you will be welcomed by their aromas. This idea is perfect for people who don’t like strong perfumes.



The living room
The area of our wellness, the heart of our house! Here it is the same as for the other rooms: before using any perfume, change air because if the aromas mix with old air it won’t work at all.
Just to give a quick touch of freshness you can use a proper spray. You have only to walk around and spread the fragrance through the spray moving your arm. Be careful with wood furniture or with delicate surfaces because they can be damaged.

To have a scent that remains longer use burning essential oils. It may seem a little bit old idea but it works very well and you can use your personal mix of perfumes.
I imagine you know that fragrances are really an aromatherapy. For example vetiver has a root that relaxes and gives a sensual touch; sage can make you happy, and so on…It’s very easy and quick: put some drops of essential oil in a little bowl where you have already put some warm water. You can also use electrical items that can spread out a mix of perfumes.



And don’t forget the scented candles! They are wonderful in wintertime! They produce a perfume through burning wax. They can often have a very strong fragrances, that’s why you don’t have to let them burn the whole evening but only the time enough to get a sort of little lake on their whole surface. This will let the candle burn properly and completely the next time you will light it. To create your personal scent with candles you can use more than one and chose different aromas to burn all together. For example wood and incense or lemon with spices like anise. Candles can produce perfume even when they aren’t burning.



The Bedroom
A very delicate room regarding perfumes. We spend many hours in our bedroom at night and it’s very difficult to realize when the air is “too heavy”. This is why you don’t have to choose a permanent way of perfuming. People who want a scent because it can help to sleep well too, can use essential oils on a stone or a tissue and put it near their bed. Orange can make our dreams better, lavender relaxes our nerves and ylang-ylang has aphrodisiac power. In France or England there is the habit of using spray for pillows and fragrances for wardrobes. When you open them a nice perfume will come out!



I have another habit: any morning when I make my bed I use a spray for my pillow and blanket (proper spray for fabrics of course). In the evening when I go to bed I’m welcomed by a soft and pleasant scent! My husband is used doing the same and when he makes our bed he can’t help spraying as well!

The bathroom
This is our SPA at home and it’s always very warm. This is right why it’s a perfect place for fragrances. The best solution here is the “Shanghai” or the spray with aromas light sea, air and naturals elements. Very soft: sea salt mixes with essential oils in little bowl. Salt can keep scents very well thanks to its porous structure.



The way to perfume our rooms are improving both regarding the kind of aromas at our disposition and the way of spreading them. The only advice I’d like to give you is something you should always remember: don’t mix too much!
Don’t use too strong perfumes to cover the smells coming from the kitchen! In this case it’s better to use perfumes that are already related to kitchen, like lemon, orange, apple, etc.

In your living room and in your entrance make sure you aren’t welcomed by a too strong fragrance. The one who enters has to feel a pleasant smell, but not something too heavy.
In summer use fresh smells but not too banal; for example vetiver, black pepper, orange flowers (more used than orange itself). In winter you can use spiced smells, wood or incense.

In your bedroom you can try with something relaxing like peppermint, lemon or sage. Another possibility is to follow sensuality: I mean vanilla, patchouli, sandalwood oil. Try but don’t exaggerate because these perfumes can be too strong and in this case they won’t make you sleep well.



Perfumes are my passion and I don’t care if they come from a room, a person, a fabric or other. They have a sort of power on us whenever they come from. It’s the first thing that reaches you when you meet somebody. Before looking at you, anybody realize the smell you have, even before seeing if your are nice, well-dressed, elegant or your house is cozy or fashion. Perfumes represent yourself and how do you feel in this moment of your life, in this special situation, if you feel good or not. Don’t underestimate this aspect! Never!!!

106Our house has its perfume, its rooms theirs!92onI put this article under the session “lifestyle” because for me it’s really a matter of lifestyle. I can't imagine my house without perfume and I'm not talking about scent that remains in the air when I give perfume to myself.
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